School Visits

I can’t believe how fast time flies!  Here are a couple of my recent school visits and sorry to those I haven’t mentioned:

20th June 2024 – I visited Year 6, New Pastures School.

The children were very attentive and enjoyed hearing about my books.  I explained about needing to grab a reader’s attention in the opening paragraph of their work and they all had a go.  They did a great job, with great imagination.  Well done, year 6!

4th March 2024 – Handsworth Grange Community College

It’s the first time I have visited this college but I received a warm welcome.  I took part in their Literary Festival, leading a session for years 7 & 8 about how I became an author and talking about my books.  Several attended the vendors section afterwards, browsing and purchasing books.  A lovely school with keen students.