Frequently asked questions

Do you visit schools?  Yes, I do.  I tailor each visit according to the age of the children and the requirements of the teacher.  Please see my school visits page.

Do you charge for school visits?  I charge £45 for a morning visit or £60 for a full day.  Alternatively, I can visit your school free of charge if you advertise my visit and books prior to the event and allow your pupils the opportunity to bring in money and purchase my books on the day.

How far will you travel?  At the moment I have my own son in school so I only travel locally.  I can visit most areas in Doncaster, Rotherham and some in Barnsley and Sheffield, depending on your location.  However, I am available via zoom or any other platform you require for remote visits.

Are your books only available on Amazon?  My teen books Family Secrets, Family Fear, Family Missing and Witness are also available in paperback format from and can be ordered from some bookstores.  You can also use the contact form on this site or email me at to order books directly from myself.  Signed copies are available upon request.

I’ve tried to order your books from a bookstore or amazon and they said they can’t get a copy.  What do I do?  Most bookstores do not have a problem ordering my books but some do not search the correct catalogue to find them.  Amazon have occasionally lost the link between my books and the publishers.  These occurrences are rare but do occur.  Please use the contact form on my Contact Gail page or email me directly and let me know the outlet and which book you require.  If this cannot be resolved then I can sell you a copy directly.